Missed a workout? It’s like skipping a toothbrush day – don’t stop!

Missed a workout? It’s like skipping a toothbrush day – don’t stop! I overheard a conversation the other day about training, missing sessions and the effects that has. Lets call them, oh I don’t know, John and Jennifer, and it went something like this John  –  Missing a training session means you are not serious…

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Why trainers should treat all their clients like athletes

Why trainers should treat all their clients like athletes Not all clients want to compete in a competition, but they are all in competition with themselves. Which means that many of my clients have programmes written with the same care as if they were athletes. When athletes compete, they work to achieve not just the…

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Tips for improving your deadlift

Tips to Improve your Deadlift When I work with clients one of the Fundamental movements I teach is the deadlift. But, and this is a big but, not everyone is ready to start with a barbell. To help condition the muscles, ligaments and tendons, i.e. the clients structure, while working with the central nervous system…

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